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Legacy Project Video: Victor Victori

The Truth Just Can’t Be One Thing

Victor Trip to the white house

Victori painting a mural of all the US Presidents in Portland, OR shortly after immigrating to the US from South Korea, by way of Paris.
Victori hand delivering that mural and a portrait of President Nixon directly to the White House staff in 1973.

Victor Victori's Multiplism Statues

Seven golden statues rise into the sky from sculptor Victor Victori’s New Jersey front lawn.

Victor Victori, artist, sculptor, painter, and author, was interviewed on Radio Irish. America’s Only Irish Station Radio Irish Host the journalist Seán McCarthy, interviews one of America’s most celebrated contemporary artists, the South Korean-born Victor Victori, whose career and whose works in portraiture, painting, sculpture, and authorship span four decades, and the world artist who invented Multiplism. Victor Victori now makes Rutherford, New Jersey, his home, where he continues to work on his paintings, sculptures, and a new time capsule, as well as his constant additions to his life’s work archive at The Victori Museum, which you can visit at

Victori is the focus of a feature-length documentary which exposes decades of paintings as well as the new career path of his son Ed Victori who has taken on the management of his entire oeuvre. The film was directed and produced by Michael Melamedoff, and takes place in early 2012. The film was recently released for on-line distribution and premiered in New York City at Anthology Film Archives in April 2015.[13]

The film follows 25-year-old risk management analyst Ed Victori leaves his job in finance to start managing the art career of his father, Victor Victori. A career portrait painter who has made his living in American malls, Korean born Victor is determined to share ‘Multiplism,’ a form of post-modern art he claims is wholly original. As Ed begins to prep his father’s work for exposition he discovers that the insular culture of family is separate from the exclusive culture of the art world. says of the film “4 Stars. This is a must for all art lovers”, while The Boston Globe reports “Exploring the fine line between kitsch and genius, Melamedoff’s dead pan doc outmocks some of the best of Christopher Guest.

The Film “VICTORI: THE TRUTH JUST CAN’T BE ONE THING” the full film is available on Amazon PrimeAmazon and iTunes.